
Showing posts from May, 2024

Heated Fluid Turbine - PID Control


Mobile Heated Fluid Turbine

Mobile Heated Fluid Turbine.    Electricity is kinetic energy.  Electricity is highly efficient at performing work.  Turbines generate alternating current with electrical inertia that makes it a more effective kinetic energy.  Make the turbine mobile by adding a gyro balancer.  This will factor in other forces.     Picture this: An enclosed pressurized steam type turbine. Convert from steam to heated fluid  Less heat applied to hydraulic fluid.   Build high hot pressure in liquid form. Suddenly drop from high to low pressure.  Accelerated fluid flow turns the turbine.  Return fluid to holding tank. Direct current high voltage battery is the fuel.  Self charging, it is a micro power plant.    democratize our power  #democratizeourpower  #msales23114llc

What is a heated fluid turbine?

What is a heated fluid turbine?   It is hybrid energy system based on an amalgamation of engineering disciplines.  Electronic, hydraulic, and mechanical engineering tied together through physics.  Tried and true technologies combined into a self sustaining battery generator.  Sustainable electric power on demand.     •No burning needed.  No emissions.    •Self charging, no fill ups.  democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Why combust and exhaust?

So why do we have to combust and exhaust, when we can heat and circulate?  Why are we burning for energy?      •propaganda is why    Instead of wasting all of that energy and resources to pollution, lower the heat below vaporization and combustion.  Lower the flammability and toxicity and make the fuels reusable.  Use thermal kinetic energy and spinning to efficiently generate electricity.        ▪︎we know how       stop the pollution      abolish the burning of fossil fuels   democratize our power  #democratizeourpower

That is the Conservation of Energy

   Picture a closed loop system that recirculates fluid.  Before it starts circulating, it is potential energy at rest.  When it begins to move it converts to kinetic energy.  When it stops moving it becomes potential energy once again.    That is the conservation of energy.   The key to power is efficiency. No system can be 100% efficient; we can come close to 100%.      democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Recharge EV without a station

So, how do we recharge electric vehicles without fueling up at a station?    Use the batteries to drive a generator.  Then the generator drives the motor(s). We will use a small electrical input and amplify it to a much larger output.  This output will have the added/amplified energy from angular momentum(spinning) in the form of electrical inertia.    this works, it is not new For example: •  Battery draw to drive generator is 6-9 Amps •  Generator output is 60-90 Amps •  Battery recharge through feedback loop Conservation of energy applies.   - Magick is not necessary...  democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Picture a closed loop system

   Picture a closed loop system that recirculates fluid.  Before it starts circulating, it is potential energy at rest.  When it begins to move it converts to kinetic energy.  When it stops moving it becomes potential energy once again.    That is the conservation of energy.   The key to power is efficiency. No system can be 100% efficient; we can come close to 100%.      democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Heated Fluid Turbine - Electrical System


Global heating has been achieved

Global heating has been achieved by the burning of fossil fuels.  Carbon energy that was in the ground has been volatilized and released; this chemical reaction has changed the composition of our water and air.  This displacement of energy, in the form of pollution, is measurable and verified.     •The conservation of energy applies.  Global remediation is needed.  Scrubbing/cleaning the air and water will need to happen everywhere.  There is a lot of work to be done.     We will look at solutions.  There are many.  Abolish the burning of fossil fuels. democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Survival is our agenda

Combustion engines/motors are complicated machines with many moving parts.  Gasoline is toxic and highly flammable.  Extraction, refinement, and end use fuel applications leak and emit pollutants which is lost energy.  The precision moving parts in an engine, have to contain and harvest kinetic energy from controlled explosions.  Highly inefficient.     Electric motors have far fewer parts and points of failure.  No explosions.  No emissions.  Up to almost 100% efficient.  Very little of the kinetic energy is lost which means we need much less energy to perform the work.    •Stop listening to the fossil fuel propaganda.        - they have been lying to us for decades We can fix this.  Help us fix this.    •No more grievances, no more lies. Survival is our agenda.     democratize our power  #democratizeourpower

3°C increase in global temperatures

   Our current global temperature rate of rise has us seeing a 3°C increase at a minimum.  We have passed the 1.5°C tipping point which will cost us the land ice masses of Antarctica.  This ice will be dissolved into the oceans within the coming years.  4 inches of sea level rise that we see today, will become feet of dead, hot water rise.      But hey, let's open Antarctica to drilling.        at least there will be more godmoney #democratizeourpower  #antifascism

Microgrids are needed.

Microgrids are needed.  Electric power is necessary to life.  Take the power away from the oligarchs/kings/lords  and make it available to everyone that needs it.  We can generate our own power and do away with massive, polluting, fossil fuel leaking and burning power plants.     We demand access and control of our electric power needs.  No more denying life and comfort to the downtrodden and destitute.  No more metering and artificial shortages in the name of godmoney.  No more cruel acts of deprivation and harm.    democratize our power        #democratizeourpower  #msales23114llc

Abolish the burning of fossil fuels

Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.     Rainy season is flood season.    Dry season is fire season.  Most of the insects and animals are gone. We can fix this.  We can do better.  Hold fossil fuels accountable. Begin global remediation.     democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Think about fuel combustion, how it works.

I would ask that you think about how the combustion of fuel to create energy works.    Conservation of energy means that the conversion from burning fuel to car movement accounts for 100% of the gas.  Less than 30% goes to the operation of the car.        70%+ is lost.  This is inefficient and a horrible way to harvest energy.  That lost energy is now in the very air around us, in the form of exhaust gasses and heat.  The energy is not actually lost, it is still there and has heated up our temperatures by over 1.5°C.    We need to reclaim that energy and redirect it in a more useful direction.  This energy is all around us.  We know how to efficiently use this energy source and clean up the pollution in the process.   There is a lot of work to do.     Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.        We can do this.    democratize our power #democratizeourpower