
Showing posts from June, 2024

Droughts and fires, they are everywhere.

Droughts and fires, they are everywhere.  Burning fossil fuels has brought this upon us.  Access to clean water is an imperative, our survival depends on it.  Can you imagine if we had access to clean treated water that wasn't metered?  No more mangods raking in obscene amounts of godmoney.  All the water we need, no artificial deprivation.      f*** godmoney and the worship of the mangods of avarice and greed.  no more kings  We could put out all of these forest fires.  Picture floating water treatment plants off our coasts; using high pressure water cannons to move the water inland.  Then move the water further inland where we need via pipelines or additional cannons.  Make our own clouds with atomized water to irrigate our lands where needed.  Cool it down, put the fires out. We can do this.  We know how.   Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.  Seize the assets of the oligarchs/kings and begin global remediation and cleanup.       democratize our power #democratizeourpower  #msa

Heated Fluid Turbine - 1st summary

Heated Fluid Turbine - 1st Summary Self contained micro power plant Power amplification factor is 1:37.5 14.4 KW output Low maintenance, highly efficient, self charging, no metering, no burning Can be built with off the shelf parts and technologies. This is established science, just takes some engineering. We can do this. democratize our power #democratizeourpower  

Electrical Block Diagram - Heated Fluid Turbine

  Electrical Block Diagram - Heated Fluid Turbine Turbine/Generator produces 60 Amps at 240VAC PLC draws 500-700 mA Heater PID draws 300 mA Heater Cartridge draws 3 to 6 Amps Pump motors PID draws 300 mA Hydraulic micro pumps(2) draws 400 to 600 mA  Power Required to Run 4.5 to 7.9 Amps at 48V DC Conservation of energy applies. democratize our power 

Abolish fossil fuels

Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.    No more nonsense about "low emissions", "carbon capture", "alternative fuels" et al. •Stop the burning!  it is killing everything     democratize our power    #democratizeourpower   #msales23114llc

Hydraulic micropumps - Heated Fluid Turbine

Heated Fluid Turbine  Output power is (60 Amps)(240 Volts) = 14.4 KW Powered by 48V battery pack, recharge by power feedback loop Two hydraulic micro pumps, 0.1 hp, combined current draw is 400 to 600 mA PID controller, current draw is 300mA Total power draw for pumps is less than 1A by 48V  

Heater Controller - Heated Fluid Turbine


Abolish the burning of fossil fuels

  Abolish the burning of fossil fuels. Have you noticed the nervous tenor and almost shrill like screeching of the propaganda. "Low emissions for heavy industry" "Let's look at carbon capture" and the classic "clean coal" It is all lies. It is worship of godmoney. No to godmoney. Abolish the burning of fossil fuels. democratize our power #democratizeourpower #msales23114llc

How can we survive without burning for energy?

  It is hard to imagine how things will work without burning for energy. How will we ever recover from the loss of easy money? And polluting is fun, right?; go and run that detuned diesel motor and spray others with unburned hydrocarbons. "gotta stick it to the libs" democratize our power democratize our economies democratize our governments no more kings, no more oligarchs Decades of propaganda and unfettered greed have caused this widespread catastrophe. Give everyone a say, we can democratize. We can adapt. We can recover. We can do this. Fossil fuels are not necessary to life. We are smart and capable, we will adapt. #democratizeourpower #msales23114llc

Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy

  Thermal energy or heat is a form of kinetic energy. Heat moves, you can see it, you can feel it. When you heat air and water, it increases the kinetic energy output. We know how to harness these forces and transform heated material movement into electricity. Destruction and waste of these materials is not needed to harness the energy. This is established and proven science. The impediment is the God, Money. •The gods of avarice and greed. •The demonic overlords like the orange turd. •The worship of godmoney and it's demons. No to godmoney. No more kings. democratize our power #democratizeourpower #msales23114llc

We can abolish the burning of fossil fuels

  We can abolish the burning of fossil fuels. There are many of us that can help. We want to help. We don't have to whimper and die out, it is not hopeless. There are many ways forward. EV vehicles is just one of many solutions. Stop listening to the propaganda. Money is not God. Greed is not good. Pollution is killing everything. We can stop this. Godmoney is the enemy. The enemy of life. democratize our power #democratizeourpower