
Showing posts from July, 2024

Ghostly Tales - A promise is a promise.

Ghostly Tales A promise is a promise  

Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG) - 1st Summation

  Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG) 1st Summation For every 3.1 Amps in, 69 Amps out democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Look Out! Monster Hunters

 Look Out! Monster Hunters

Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG)

  Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG) democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Polyphase coils

Polyphase coils can be used to build polyphase generators. High voltage VFD motors are used in multiple electric vehicle lines. VFD motors require high voltage polyphase alternating current. We are currently using electronic switching from DC battery banks to drive these motors. That requires substantial battery storage and recharge needs.  a better way:   a self charging system    a battery flywheel generator (BFG). #democratizeourpower

Watching the fires on tv

Watching the fires on tv; trying not to breathe the smoke that blankets almost everywhere.      It doesn't have to be like this. Hold fossil fuels and the brutal oligarchs accountable. No more kings. The unjust rule of the capitalist royalty has brought us this era of destruction and extinction. We can put out the fires before they even start. YES, it will take resources and much effort. Remediation efforts have to be global; we are one world connected. We know how to do this. We know how to fix it. There are many solutions and paths forward.    We all deserve life.   democratize our power #democratizeourpower  #msales23114llc

Do you see the propaganda?

Do you see the fossil fuel propaganda that attacks electricity?    it's everywhere         ▪︎Petrochemical Barbarism▪︎  "Gotta crush electric cars so we can burn"   "More horse power, gotta go fast"    "Good paying jobs and godmoney!"     "All hail the sadistic oligarchs!"      "Gotta run our tanks, and our fighters, and our bombers, and our battle ships, and our big trucks; gotta run all of our machines of death."  No!   We don't have to burn.   There are better ways to live.  democratize our power  #democratizeourpower  #msales23114llc

Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG)

  Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG) democratize our power #democratizeourpower

Universal Basic Income

"A UBI would be received independently of any other income. If the level is sufficient to meet a person's basic needs (i.e., at or above the poverty line), it is sometimes called a full basic income;"   We can expand Social Security to cover. With the fires, floods and loss of habitable land that is ongoing; there will be millions of refugees migrating inland. There is no way we can create the millions of jobs needed to support all of us.  No one is deserving of the harm that results from not having money.  We all deserve life.

Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG)

  Battery Flywheel Generator (BFG)

Shogun Warriors 2

  Shogun Warriors 2