
Showing posts from August, 2024

FlyWheel Energy Systems


FlyWheel Energy Systems


Reusable Fuels


Reusable Fuel - Salt Water Redox Flow


Reusable Fuel - Heated Fluid Turbine


We can fix this.

We need to be courageous and bold.  Global heating is growing and has become self feeding; growth will continue even if we stopped the whole scale burning of oil today. The fires feed the burning. The droughts feed the burning. Human activity is feeding it. Cars feed it. Tanks feed it. It has progressed too far for easy fixes. Active remediation is needed. We need to supplement and replace nature and it's processes.    Create our own weather patterns. Pull decades of displaced hydrocarbon energy out of our air, water, and soil. It will be hard. It will take decades of work. It is possible to fix this.     •Abolish the Burning of Fossil Fuels.   We can fix this.   We know how to fix this.  democratize our power  #democratizeourpower

Hybrid Micro-Grid Systems




Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.

We collectively call for an end to fossil fuels.     End the age of Petrochemical Barbarism.  We have willingly served the sadistic kings and oligarchs of the hydrocarbon death trade for decades. No more. We see the lies. The vulgar propaganda of the oligarchs has been laid bare.    Fossil fuels are death.   Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.   We can do this.  Let us show you how.  democratize our power  #democratizeourpower

Microgrids For Community Resilience Act


Burning gasoline is complicated.

Burning gasoline is complicated. Just look at the processes to fuel and run your car. First you have to dig a really deep and leaky hole in the dirt. Then you have to collect and contain these toxic and dangerous materials that are pressurized by virtue of the same deep dirt hole. Then these dangerous materials are concentrated and refined into a "burnable fuel".  Then, even with the most complicated engines we can't use more than 30% of the hydrocarbons' energy derived by burning.    So, that means we have displaced billions of tons of hydrocarbon energy in the form of pollution. Now, we are well on our way to extinction.  •Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.  We can do this.  We must. democratize our power  #democratizeourpower

Heated Air/Steam Turbine 2
