
Showing posts from September, 2024

Look to the trade winds.

Look to the trade winds. Look to the dead oceans. We can clean the dead ocean water and use the trade winds to move the water inland where we need it.  This will remediate our water and air. This will put out the fires before they start.  This will cool our planet down. This works. We know it works.    We can do this.

Metering for money.

Do you see the inherent problems with our approach to electric vehicles?    •Metering for money, profit Like the cars still have gas tanks and they have to be continually refilled. We recharge the batteries in our gasoline cars without a thought about it. We can do the same thing with electric drive systems, just add a generator.    Really, it is that simple.  No more metering. MSales 23114 LLC

Heated Hydraulic Fluid Turbine - ReUsable Fuel


Seize it all.

Pollution is an existential threat.   It is past time to acknowledge the reality. Hold fossil fuels accountable. Make them pay for the damage. Make them pay for the cleanup. Seize it all.

Reusable Fuel. What is it?

Reusable Fuel.  What is it? It is a material that we can use over and over to drive turbines and generators. Instead of destroying the fuel with combustive explosions, we pull Kinetic Energy (electricity) out of the force of the moving fuel. Small input force amplified to a much larger electrical power output.   • Picture a hydroelectric power plant.    Water flow driving generators.    Water returns to the reservoir.    Reusable Fuel. democratize our power  #democratizeourpower  #msales23114llc democratize our power

Abolish the burning of fossil fuels.

Abolish the burning of fossil fuels. Gasoline is slavery and death; it is a tool of oppression and greed.  Diesel fuels the tanks of war.  Jet fuel is the life blood of tyrants.     No more kings.    No more lies.   Fight the propaganda.  We can do this.  democratize our power  #democratizeourpower

2024 hottest summer on record.

2024 seeing hottest northern summer on record.      We must begin remediation and cleanup.  We are on a heating trajectory curve that ends with the loss of our atmosphere.    •We will run out of breathable air.  We are already running out of water and arable soil. We stand to lose almost 30% of our seacoast land with feet of sea level rise.   Really, run the numbers.       Look out of your window.    Fight the propaganda, reality is real.

Off Grid HVDC LiFePO4

  This is an off grid high voltage battery system LiFePo4. Do you see full battery voltage reading 52.6VDC? All it takes is an inversion of the source and you have 105.2 VAC. With resistance/capacitance smoothing, you have 120VAC.

So many ways.

So many ways. So many ways to make electricity. Controlled drops spinning turbines. Moving water and air spinning turbines. Heat and light directly converted to electricity. Heavy, high speed flywheels turning generators. Heated and pressurized materials spinning turbines.      So many ways.    We can do this.   democratize our power  #democratizeourpower  #msales23114llc

Kinetic Energy Generators


Kinetic Energy Generators
