Kinetic energy systems

Kinetic energy systems. 
   Electricity is a form of kinetic energy.  Electricity has inertia and force and it can be measured when used.  We are going to focus on non burning generators.  Fossil fuels are not necessary to the continuance of life or the generation of kinetic energy.  
  ▪︎Flywheel generator systems can be recharged by batteries, grid power, and photovoltaic systems.
   ▪︎Gravity generator systems can be hydroelectric or mass weight with a drop. 
    ▪︎Fluid turbines can be hydroelectric, tidal, and heated.  Direct kinetic energy source.
   ▪︎Air turbines can be driven by wind and/or convection heating sources.  Also a direct kinetic energy source. 
  It is time for efficient and non polluting sources of power for all of us.  We can generate our own power at the point of use. No more oversized grids and inefficient transmission lines. 
   abolish the burning of fossil fuels 
 democratize our power 


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