Droughts and fires, they are everywhere.

Droughts and fires, they are everywhere.  Burning fossil fuels has brought this upon us.  Access to clean water is an imperative, our survival depends on it.  Can you imagine if we had access to clean treated water that wasn't metered?  No more mangods raking in obscene amounts of godmoney.  All the water we need, no artificial deprivation. 
    f*** godmoney and the worship of the mangods of avarice and greed.  no more kings 
We could put out all of these forest fires.  Picture floating water treatment plants off our coasts; using high pressure water cannons to move the water inland.  Then move the water further inland where we need via pipelines or additional cannons.  Make our own clouds with atomized water to irrigate our lands where needed.  Cool it down, put the fires out.

We can do this.  We know how.  
Abolish the burning of fossil fuels. 
Seize the assets of the oligarchs/kings and begin global remediation and cleanup.  
democratize our power


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